By appointment || HK$1350 for 1-hr session Nadia’s areas of expertise in readings are love and relationships, work/careers and finance. Her readings are very in-depth and precise and she can see past, present and future – looking at the outcomes of different situations and scenarios. Her reading gives reassurance and messages of love and guidance from the Spirit. Nadia also provides energy healing and crystal healing. HOW NADIA WORKS IN PRIVATE SESSIONS
Love and relationships: Nadia looks into the past, present and future of your love/personal life, friends and family relationships, giving you guidance on the situation at hand and explaining what she saw and felt when she connect and tune in with the quesrant. Nadia can also look into twin flame relationships, soul connections and future partners with a physical description of the person in question. Work, Career and Finances: When looking into these three areas, Nadia will tell you about your current work situation as well as career opportunities that will present themselves. With the help of her Spirit Guides, Nadia can tell you what areas you excel in and what you can expect over the next one to three years’ time. Often her guides will show her professional and personal projects that you are currently working on or are thinking to work on, as well as the outcomes. Nadia uses Tarot cards as well as her Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Clairsentient abilities to answer any questions that you may have with regards to your career and future choices and opportunities that will arise. When conducting a private reading, Nadia can do a general reading in specific areas (i.e. Love, work, relationships, family etc) and/or specific questions that you may have. Nadia uses a variety of different tools including Tarot cards, a pendulum and Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Clairsentient (and feeling both emotions and physical sensations) abilities. |