Judith Ahnika Paul (Apr 11-17)

Shamballa Connection

with Judith Ahnika Paul



April 11– 17, 2016 

April 11 (Mon)    7:15 pm- 8:45 pm     FREE INTRODUCTORY EVENING In this evening, Judith will share with us the sacred journey of her life that had brought her to many places and throughout the years how she had helped people to transform through her teachings of Shamballa / Being Multi-Dimensional, a 2-day workshop that she will be conducting in her visit to Hong Kong this time.  .

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April 16 – 17  (Sat & Sun)        9 am – registration

Workshop hours:  10 am – 5 pm

 unnamed (1)


new way of living

Exchange Abundance:  HK$3000

As we go through this process of transition and ascension, we are switching on our light bodies and ascending into new ways of living and being.  We are becoming multi-dimensional, capable of functioning at higher frequencies of conscious awareness. moving with the planet earth into the 5th dimensional reality.
As we break through to these new levels, we need the tools and understanding for managing the very real physical, mental and emotional effects that are a significant part of the break-through into multi-dimensional living.  This expanded awareness includes:


  • Understanding ascension – what it is; what it isn’t; what it means for you.
  • Discover how ascension is part of your true life purpose.
  • Absorb, integrate, and radiate more Light and more Love throughout your day.
  • Align more completely with your I Am Presence.
  • Create your life as an absolute mastery of JOY
  • Restore your personal power and personal sovereignty; take back your freedom.
  • Cope with ascension symptoms as we accelerate faster than ever before.
  • The true story of Humans and Mother Earth.


The workshop includes activations, guided meditations, discussions:

Ø   awaken and open the 12 +1 embodied and etheric chakras, building the centre channel to align on galactic and cosmic levels plus increase your light quotient
multi-dimensionality – merge with higher dimensions; awaken natural harmonic time.

Ø   activate dimensional galactic matrix

Ø   sacred space of the heart to harmonize divine masculine and divine feminine

Ø   activate the diamond frequency and codes, connect with the diamond heart of the earth and the galactic heart in the great central sun

Ø   activate divine blueprint of human perfection

Ø   DNA activation of 12 strands and advanced light codes; cosmic code activators using sacred colour rays of light and the star tetrahedron

Ø   Merkabah, rotating light field activation


Through a deep understanding of energy, Ahnika supports your break-through of hidden blocks, karmic miasms, beliefs and programs to create a powerful intuitive awareness that boosts confidence, release problems, shift relationships, find meaning, purpose and joy of life.

*Please show up on or before 9:30 am for registration


PRIVATE SESSIONS         April 11 – 15  (By appointment)


Shamballa guides you to deep peace and stillness as you release blockages to the natural flow of energy through your body; reconnect and restore to wholeness for balance, health and well-being at all levels including the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your being.  Iinfluences the deeply held patterns of disease and stress and shift patterns of restriction and resistance.  If combined with Fast Track, clears energies released.


Is a powerful and intelligent releasing system for self-investigation, self-realization and transformation – providing immediate and permanent uplifting change.


Through the collaboration of muscle testing and the super-conscious mind, you can pinpoint physical or emotional blockages, trauma, karma, sacred contracts etc. held in the energy body.

when discovered, a release occurs allowing the authentic self to be experienced.  The body responds by freeing the inner wisdom and awakening the life force. the body, mind and spirit come to harmony.

Exchange Abundance:





Judith Ahnika Paul is an existential journeyer – guide, teacher / facilitator, shaman, reiki master, shamballa master, coach, wisdom keeper.  an agent of change and transformation.

She has developed her gifts of love and service in supporting people to awaken their awareness of self, their potential and responsibility to grow and evolve life and consciousness.  her own life is an offering to the process.

She guides people to grow and expand their emotional, social and spiritual competencies in a gentle, compassionate way along with commonsense and practicality.

Ahnika is a unique humanitarian with the ability to initiate transformation and positive change while creating a sense of self-mastery, empowerment and optimism for one’s life and possibilities.

She has attuned, initiated and connected to shamballa, numerous spiritual journeyers from all over the word, and conducted sacred mayan fire ceremonies in Guatemala, Canada, USA, Bali, Thailand and India.

She brings experience as a facilitator and public speaker from the corporate, post secondary, aboriginal nation government sectors plus the sacred rituals of ceremony and spiritual workshops.  she infuses everything with her enthusiasm, joy of life, inspiration, devotion, kindness, gentleness, love and presence.


Weaving and fusing teachings and techniques from various cultures and wisdom holders, Ahnika has created experiential style courses to awaken and align divine love and light within – the evolutional self.

The awakening and activating is done through:

  • energetic activations, attunements and healing sessions
  • going within and listening to the inner voice of the heart
  • guided meditations
  • sacred mayan fire ceremonies
  • expanding perceptions with compassion and kindness
  • engaging in choice for empowerment by clearly seeing the distinction between ego and the authentic self
  • focusing on lifelong learning, one’s unique gifts, spiritual mission and purpose for realization of co-creator potential
  • finding others for a conscious container as a supportive and committed community – the shamballa circle of light around the world
  • awareness of heart based connections – sacred union through spiritual partnerships, soul mates and twin flames.

To join the free introductory evening, 2-day workshop and / or book a private session with Ahnika, please call Reflections on 2504 1333.  Whatsapp Ruby T  Ong 9401 4713      Pan Poon 6388 4999