Gracy Yap (Jan 7-9)

Golden Numbers Academy LLP jointly with Reflections Resource Center proudly present Forecast 2016: Your Numerology & Astrology Guide For Fortune with GRACY YAP Intuitive Master Numerologist/Author/Teacher Master Trainer GOLDEN NUMBERS ACADEMY LLP January 7 – 9, 2016 Jan 7 (Thurs)   7:15 pm – 9:45 pm    Forecast 2016: Your Numerology & Astrology Guide For Fortune            HK$420 BONUS: Feng Shui Remedies  Like to know what’s in...

Jacqui Gilbert (Jan 9-16)

CHANNELED WORKSHOP on LIVING ASCENSION …ushering the Golden Age of Bliss with JACQUI GILBERT Metaphysical Teacher, Healer and Channel   January 9 – 16, 2016   Jan 12, 2015 (Tues)        7:15 pm – 9:30 pm Exchange Abundance:  HK$1111 Jacqui has been active as a metaphysical teacher for over 30 years.  Having been in visual and auditory contact with the Ascended Masters since childhood, she now channels communications from the Angelic Light Beings, Osiris, Isis and Thoth, and othe...