Living Light Energy (Sekhem) 生命之光能量--古埃及無尚靈氣 Foundation Level with Ruby T Ong Master / Teacher   January 23-24 2021 (Sat & Sun) 10 am – 5:30 pm Living Light Energy is an advanced energy healing system.  It is considered to be the origin of all hands-on healing systems, as it was taught in the very early temples of ancient Egypt, Lemuria and Atlantis.   Learn to master the flow of energy. Topics include: sensing energy, understanding illness and healin...

Delving into your MYSTICAL HEART with Fiona Leung

Dream Worker • Shamanic Practitioner • Constellation Facilitator Jan 13 ,2021 (Wed)   7:15pm – 9 pm HK$333 Heart Center Meditation and Dreamwork  Come join us for some exciting Dreamwork and to experience the Mystery of the Heart Center, the bedrock of any spiritual development and transformation Join us in this Heart Center Meditation to attune into your body and take a journey to the center of your heart.  In this meditation, you will be able t...

World of Symbols: TAROT with RUBY T ONG

January 9, 2021 (Sat) 10:30am - 5:30pm Exchange abundance HK$1111 According to legend, before the wisdom of the ancients began to recede into the dark ages of history, wise men and women gathered in Morocco. It is said that they encoded their teachings in signs and symbols that described five paths to awaken the human spirit.  We are told these teachings became a deck of 78 ‘playing-cards’ to ensure their survival. It was foretold that, in years to come, most would not recognize the tr...

YOU THE SPOON BENDER with Jerry Sanctus

During these unusual times, we are still here to serve you! January 19, 2021 (Tues) 7:15 pm – 8:45 pm Exchange Abundance:  HK$333 Spoon bending is known as a little trick of the magician.  In this course, we are definitely NOT talking about doing it as a trick.  We are going to have fun using the "Mind Power" or "Energy" to transform matter.  Believe it or not, come and experience spoon bending, you can do it! Book Now About Jerry Gifted with clairvoyance and clai...