Gracy Yap (Apr 21-24)

Golden Numbers Academy LLP jointly with

Reflections Resource Center

proudly present

Numerology & Astrology guide for fortune + Feng Shui Remedies:


Intuitive Master Numerologist/Author/Teacher

Master Trainer





April 21  (Thurs)   7:15 pm – 9:45 pm    Forecast 2016: Your Numerology & Astrology Guide For Fortune            HK$460

BONUS: Feng Shui Remedies

2Like to know what’s in store for you in the second half of 2016? You can harness ancient wisdom and the principles of metaphysics to give you modern day solutions and a compass for your life.  Prepare for 2016 by knowing what lies ahead, the opportunities and the pit falls, to better achieve your goals and resolutions.


One of the most enduring divination systems known to us, Numerology also known as the ancient Science of Numbers, can improve all sectors of your life if you can ‘read’ the patterns. The secrets lie in your birthdate and name!  Coupled with the knowledge of your ruling planets, birth elements and lucky colors, you will be taught how to use the power of Numerology and Astrology to magnify your lucky number vibrations for good fortune.  Celebrity Charts are included to enhance the student experience.


The secret sacred language of numbers to live the life of your dreams – in both good times and bad – is now available to you!  Join Intuitive Master Numerologist, Teacher and bestselling Author Gracy Yap in this seminar and equip yourself with the right tools to take advantage of the opportunities to make 2016 your best year ever.


Sign Up with 1 Friend: 5% OFF Course Fee   

Sign Up with 2 Friends and more: 10% OFF Course Fee


April 22 (Fri)  7:15pm 9.15 pm   Messages From The Angels: Decoding Symbols and Numbers                 HK$690



This is an intuitive card reading session where Gracy Yap will tune in to your angel guides and channel information for your life purpose and burning questions.  Participants will be given an insight into cartomancy and an introduction to the language of symbols and numbers.  They will learn how to listen intently for messages from the angels to get answers.


We will use the Major Arcana cards from the Doreen Virtue Archangel Tarot card deck for illustration.  Participants can bring their own Tarot or angel oracle deck to class.  We shall work with intuition and the subconscious mind. The cards may speak of people, seasons, love, money, career issues, etc., in the participant’s life, and present warnings or good news.

Are you ready to connect with your Archangels and Angels?


What to bring:

An open mind and a willingness to learn

Pen and notebook to journal your experiences

A set of Tarot or Angel card deck


Sign Up with 1 Friend: 5% OFF Course Fee   

Sign Up with 2 Friends and more: 10% OFF Course Fee


April 23(Sat)       2:15 pm – 5.30 pm   HK$1000

Part 1    2:15 pm – 3:30 pm

Journey to your Soul Contract with the Archangels: Accessing Your Book of Life / Akashic Records


This is an interactive workshop where you will experience a guided, channelled journey with the Archangels to the Akashic Hall of Records. You will be given an opportunity to ask your Guides or Higher Self specific questions about what you are here to accomplish in this lifetime and about your soul evolution. This can be very powerful resulting in the releasing of past life experiences and old wounds. However, experiences can vary with individual participants so we shall set an intention at the beginning of the workshop.

The Hall of Akashic Records is a metaphorical library which holds all the memories of our souls in an etheric place since the dawn of creation. The soul record within the Hall of Akashic Records is like a book or a database that contains information about the person in this lifetime, in all previous lifetimes, and even future lifetimes. All the events, words and thoughts that have even occurred in the history and future of your life, as a soul, will be recorded in the Akashic Record.


So you can imagine, being able to access the Akashic Record allows you to provide some important information about a soul’s past, present and future, in order for you to discover your Soul Contract. “The interpretation then as drawn here is with the desire and hope that, in opening this for the entity, the experience may be one of helpfulness and hopefulness.” Edgar Cayce Reading 1650-1.

Are you ready to explore your Soul Contract and access profound healing, wisdom, peace and joy?

What to bring:

An open mind and a willingness to share

Pen and notebook to journal your experiences

A shawl or jacket

Wear warm comfortable clothes

Water to hydrate

Your favorite crystals to hold during the guided meditation



Part 2         4 pm – 5:30 pm

Journey to your Soul Contract with the Archangels: Cord Cutting

This is an interactive workshop where you will experience a guided, channelled journey with the Archangels to the Akashic Hall of Records where you will gather essential information based on what you have done in the past. In this session, you will discover your true purpose and destiny in this incarnation on earth. You will work through a release of residual resentment, resistance and past hurts through a gentle cord cutting exercise.

Are you ready to heal the past and step up to a whole new world of possibilities and miracles?

Pre-requisite: You must have completed Part 1.

What to bring:

An open mind and a willingness to share

Pen and notebook to journal your experiences

A shawl or jacket

Wear warm comfortable clothes

Water to hydrate

Your favorite crystals to hold during the guided meditation


April 24 (Sun) 3 pm – 6 pm           Mastering Instant Personality Profiling (Numerology)             HK$780    

2No guess work.  Based on the ancient Science of Numbers or Numerology, we can ‘read’ a person based on his or her birthdate. In this informative, insightful, fun and humorous session, Gracy Yap helps participants discover their personality profile and those of others, inborn gifts and calling. Find out if you are in the right job fit based on your birth profile and elements.

Celebrity Charts are included to enhance the student experience.

No prior knowledge of metaphysics is required. This is a beginner’s course in Numerology.

Sign Up with 1 Friend: 5% OFF Course Fee   

Sign Up with 2 Friends and more: 10% OFF Course Fee


Private sessions with Gracy (April 22 to 25)

Numerology           HK$1320 for 1-hr session

First time client’s Introductory Offer HKD 600 (30 minutes)




Based in Singapore, Gracy’s first foray into spirituality, astrology and fortune-telling began in her teenage years but it was after one of the lowest points in her life and repeated encounters with psychics who affirmed her gifts of clairvoyance and angelic guides in her 30s that ignited her passion in delving deeper into the ancient science of numbers.


For more than a decade, she dedicated herself to this study, learning from various masters in the field, spending hours on R&D tirelessly, consulting with many clients and industry practitioners to build a robust system that she now calls the Secrets of Golden Numbers™.


To join the enlightening workshops  and / or book a private session with Gracy Yap, please call Reflections on 2504 1333.  Whatsapp Ruby T  Ong 9401 4713  Pan Poon 6388 4999

