Jerry Santosh – Metaphysical Teacher, Clairvoyant


Jerry is a natural clairvoyance and clairsentience. His ability reveals energies & vibrations in fractal grid lines and codes. He is able to perform healing through unifying and aligning our energy grids through toning, special hand gestures, and intuitive sketch.

Starting from 2005, Jerry provides psychic readings and spiritual development classes in different countries. Through the years he is well-trained through immense studies with different Masters, on Taoism, Buddhism, Energy healing, Angel & Crystal therapy, Shamanic Journeys, etc. He is now recognized and credited by his one-of-his-kind channeling sessions and classes, sharing his unique understanding to the Spirit world.

Fully utilizing all his techniques, Jerry’s consultation is truthful, insightful, yet gentle. He is an exceptional & life-changing healer, his sincerity and humility are well applauded.

Jerry’s Website:


Private Session – “The Vision Quest”
Jerry provides consultations to answer any questions that you may have, no matter about health, relationship, business, or any struggling issues. His session starts with prayers to evoke your higher self and spiritual connections. He connects to your spiritual guide and retrieves information and messages that is most relevant to you at the moment. It might include your relevant past lives issues, karmic forces, spiritual connections, current energy & health conditions, mind patterns and programmes, or even revelations or precautions of future events.
Jerry may guide you through meditative journeys to relief emotional pain or any spiritual wounds. His exceptional visions enable him to view and rewire energy grids in our ethereal bodies. This is extremely efficient for healing broken hearts and the feeling of torn, since the wounds are literally closed and healed in the ethereal level.
An overview of the variations you might experience based on your needs at the moment:
– Visions & messages from your spiritual guide
– Vibrational toning and sound healing
– Ethereal light grids rewiring & alignment
– Message cards / oracle cards readings
– Vibrational art “Light language” sketch
– Energy infused & activated crystals
– Recommendations of healing plants / food / essential oils
– Prescription of Healing flower remedies (Healing Orchids)
– Intuitive body realignment and relaxation techniques
Healing possibilities of energy grid lines alignment:
– Emotional pain (feeling of heart-broken / torn)
– Revert mutation tendencies (i.e. possibly cancer / tumors healing)
– Facilitate energy flow (i.e. possibly blood pressure healing)
– Relief of attachments (cutting cords on pressing issues)
Abundance Exchange: 
HKD 788 /60mins
HKD 1,050 /90mins
**Full-body Energy Grids Realignment Healing 75mins available at HKD 1,444.
For bookings, please call 2504 1333 or Whatsapp 6522 0200 / Email for details.

個案諮詢 – 「覺察的旅程」
Jerry 提供私人個案諮詢,無論是關於健康、情感關係、工作、或任何令你煩惱的事情,他都可以為你解答。每次個案都會以一個呼召的祈願開始,邀請你的高我及所有的守護靈來臨。Jerry會連接你的守護靈,取得當下你最需要的訊息及影像。這些資訊可包括與你問題相關的前世記憶、因緣業債、靈性連繫、現時的健康與能量狀態、思想模式及程序、甚至是一些未來事件的預警等等。
– 守護靈所提供的訊息及影像
– 振頻唱頌及聲音治療
– 光之脈絡重新連接及排序
– 訊息牌/神諭牌的啟示
– 振頻藝術手繪「天語」
– 充能及已啟動的水晶
– 癒療草藥/食品/精油的使用建議
– 處方花藥 (Healing Orchids)
– 直覺式筋肉放鬆及整治
– 治療情感傷痛 (尤其心碎/不完整的感覺)
– 倒行細胞變異傾向 (治療腫瘤及癌症的可能性)
– 疏導能量流動 (治療血壓高低的可能性)
– 舒解執念 (切斷不必要的因緣絲線)
HKD 788 /60mins
HKD 1,050 /90mins
**全身脈絡重組排序治療 HKD 1,444 /75mins
個案預約,請致電 2504 1333 或Whatsapp +852 6522 0200 / 電郵至

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